The Golden Lagoon: Satellite Celebration #3 @ The Rose Hill . . . . Sun 9th Feb. 3pm onwards, upstairs & down, performances and atmospherics in the hypnotic multi-sensory depths of the lagoon.

A daytime-into-evening of immersion into the realm of The Golden Lagoon… Projections and illusions from Benedict Sheehan, Aromas from King Lagoon’s Aroma Wizards, Otherworldly Tastes from Lois Pringle & Alex Pritchard, Interactive-Sounds, Performances & Exotica DJs throughout.

Performances and interactivies on the night will feature music from the exotica-inspired, ambient interludes on The Golden Lagoon LP!

Performances and interactivies on the night will feature music from the exotica-inspired, ambient interludes on The Golden Lagoon LP!

Approximate Planned Adventure...

3.00pm / Start


FltrLstn Exotica DJs Throughout - Exotica, Interludes & Incidental Music

Electric Ape & Kubla Khan & Ring Modulator & Stephen Kin;Aesthetic


God’s Teeth & the Interstellar Tropics

Improvised Percussive Psych-Tropics, w/ elements of The Golden Lagoon Interludes

“ Playful improvised sonic explorations of the cosmic overthere “

*** Inter-Activities ***


King Lagoon & Friends Improv

Rodrigo Kerr (Various Sounds) & Don Benjamin (Sax) & Pete Piskov [Hill] (Flute) & Iain Paxon (Synth)


*** Inter-Activities ***


Alphabets Heaven

SloMo Rhythms & Finger Triggered Latin Layers, w/ elements of The Golden Lagoon Interludes


*** Inter-Activities ***


King Lagoon & Friends Improv

Rodrigo Kerr (Various Sounds) & Don Benjamin (Sax) & Pete Piskov [Hill] (Flute)


*** Inter-Activities ***


zillagramwiches + mariolenard

Ambient Synth Textures & Vapourwave Hypno-Vibes, w/ elements of The Golden Lagoon Interludes


*** Inter-Activities ***


King Lagoon & Friends Improv

Rodrigo Kerr [King Lagoon] (Various Sounds) & Don Benjamin [King Lagoon] (Sax) & Pete Piskov [Hill] (Flute)

*** Inter-Activities ***


10.00pm / End.

A day-into-evening of sensory delight, also featuring:
✓ Interactivities & Sensory Delights
✓ Visuals & Projections (Benedict Sheehan)
✓ Tastes (Lois Pringle & Alex Pritchard)
✓ Aroma Wizards
✓ Improvised Musical Interludes
✓ 'Underwater tours via Neptune’s Airlock'