5:5:5: An ongoing series themed around 5 tracks as selected by that month’s contributor.
A written piece bringing together / conjoining / uncovering / aligning / highlighting / enthusing about 5 tracks of your choosing.
The implicit / explicit reasons and inspiration behind your collected 5 tracks / chosen theme is the main focus. 5:5:5: is less concerned with 'best-ism'.
Exploring your outrageously plentiful knowledge and reasons why the chosen theme or tracks excite you is where the interest lies, the 5 tracks need not be competing with each other or anything outside of the theme.
With this in mind, please try to qualify any suggestions of something as ‘the best’ or ‘better than’, or state in clear subjective terms, i.e. 'my favourite'.
3. Positive enthusiasm is the aim. Impassioned projecting of cherished music that inspires and excites; positive sharing and spreading excitement about your choices.
4. Beyond this, it's up to you how you want to shape it or what form it takes... Whether simply an intro and 5 points relating to 5 tracks, or real-life story spotted with music, statistic-based analysis, essay, autobiography, who-dunnit or some other weird and wonderful arrangement, whatever you like and can imagine (within reason!).
5. Hopefully this provides a glimpse of the vision for 5:5:5: and will help to keep a little consistency and a thread running through where multiple people are contributing and approaching from different points of view – if all goes well, the idea is to post once a month on the 5th at 5:55pm. Please also provide a list of your 5 tracks with [artist / title / original releasing label] where possible. I'll talk with you individually about timings and posting dates, specific details etc.
< Submissions so far >
* Hope that all sounds ok and doesn't come across as too prescriptive, the concept behind 5:5:5: is to have a certain feel and hopefully stand out from the internet crowd, hence some particular rules - let me know if you have any questions or worries. Excited to read and post your impassioned pentagonal pieces.